Friday, April 29, 2011

happy new year?

wadehel? did i? i do? really? wassamater wit me?

i know...i havent updated my blog due to very obvious circumstances...e.g. laziness, lazy...lazy ness...lazyful...lazy..minded...lazy eyed...lazy handed...lazy thoughts.


y do people blog anyways?

today, d prince n d now princess are married...may the marriage intacts till the end of was a beautiful wedding since i most tv channels aired d event.Hana has grown a bit n she is very cute and clever...but d old habit of crying without any apparent reasons still there...she cries when she wants to announce her feelings..hmmm cant wait for her to talk coz i do believe she will be babbling at me due to her dissatisfaction with me LOL..

ok...i pray and wish, hana will always be her...less crying would be nice hehe..nonetheless she's all that i want in a daughter..she's like d daughter i never had...:)