aiyoh today is a holiday n tomorrow gtg 2 work.x looking 4ward s azhar will b outstationed to kl 4 4days monday to thu.warggghhhhhhhhhh can i look after my bby girl alone?theres no way out i just hope no emergency or urgent matter in d middle of d nite.ok daily roll call
housechores=1 cuci pinggan n mesin kain
hanas wailing=level 3
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
fb notes
little miss hanging cow Monday, April 19, 2010 at 7:44pm | Edit Note | Delete
miss hanging cow
This is little miss hanging cow, hana's favourite cow..
Little miss hanging cow hanged from a ball n hanged on top of her endoi.
Do not underestimate the power of little miss hanging cow for she holds the magic of making hana's tears dry away. It can also hold hana's gaze for s long s her eyes remained open.
Hana can't stand it, if she doesnt spend 3/4 of her awake time with miss hanging cow.
Miss hanging cow has the sweetest melodiest melody that mesmerizes my omot every time her string being pulled :)
So my hana bana honey bun sweetie pumpkin pie, mummy n daddy will always remember to bring miss hanging cow wherever u go hehe...sleep well, sayang
to mommy n daddy's little princess Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 9:32pm | Edit Note | Delete
hana sweetie
Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all
Baby is drowsing, cozy and fair
Mother sits near, in her rocking chair
Forward and back, the cradle she swings
And though baby sleeps, she hears what she sings
From the high rooftops, down to the sea
No one's as dear, as baby to me
Wee little fingers, eyes wide and bright
Now sound asleep, until morning light.
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today's highlights Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 12:25am | Edit Note | Delete
not that, i want the world to know what was going on's just that, sharing is loving haha.
usually, i write in my pathestic (pathetic & fantastic) blog but tonite i wanna write here
today was such eventful day in my life...we'll start from morning shall we...
i woke up late, as usual, n of coz went out from the house late, n reached school 1 min late but for me i was ON TIME.
at the assembly, i had to sit at d front row coz all back seats were one wanted to give their seats so, wth...i sat in front of the whole school. after 15 mins of assembly, a student blacked out n fell face down we were shocked. i was looking at him the whole time n i turned away 1 sec n he fell...iyyyuuuuduuuushhhhhh. pity that boy, penuh muka ngan pasir tar....what's wrong with this picture? i used to stand longer than that when i was in school...
ok, an hour later after the assembly, there was a chaos at the canteen...i said to myself, what now? o, a girl fell down the stairs. she slipped n fell, nasiblah sekolah ada tingkat satu this girl frail n skinny was at the canteen in pain...nobody knew what to do including me...the teacher on duty wanted to take her to the clinic but she was in a lot of pain, so they decided to call an ambulance n the ambulance was fast....i was inside the canteen n i went out when it came coz, i was so impressed with the medical staff...they were really good looking...hehehe....the doctor was young and handsome and the attendant was young and cute...and i said to myself wow, after a long long time in baling/sik district only now i met a young cute handsome and honourable men...hehe...i hope the girl felt a little bit better since they were two handsome guys attending her hehehe.
ok in the afternoon, i saw more than 12 students gathering at the canteen with the discipline teacher and these were ponteng students who were caught just outside the school. WHAT IS THAT? u want to ponteng go to town la, o in d kebun getah...u don't sit around a tree near the school i heard n saw them being whipped on their asses...good for them...muka selamba giler tak rasa bersalah pun...
what's to become of these students? hantu most seems useless n hopeless of trying to make it right coz, teaching these bunch is teaching in a vacuum...
so that's my school life today. let's c what's installed for me tomorrow
today today today Monday, July 13, 2009 at 7:53pm | Edit Note | Delete
today is going into my history bank of my teaching experience....when i look back...i wonder whether i could handle it any better....but i still havent found d answer except that, i should have gone berserk n made his life a living hell and a mistake he d never make...
i went to invigilate a form 5 class,
status: GARUS=GAGAL HARUS...buatlah apapun tetap takkan lulus semua subject,
reputation:very very bad with teachers...most of the teachers who went in, most probably will never come back into the class,
the class exam reality: a bunch of students who sit for exam have no clue watsoever what subject on what day n what for.....who don't have the drive to succeed all they want to do is to get it over sign of any one of them studies very very hard for an exam for any particular in the exam the only thing that can be seen they strive at is....MATCHING THEIR ANSWERS TO ONE reality, COPYING IS THEIR WAY OF EXAM. no respect for themselves, just a bunch of d next MALAYSIAN IDIOTS.
my rule is simple when i invigilate in class...
u wanna chat...take the chat outside, send in d exam paper
u wanna do the exam, make sure ur not being FRIENDLY(chatty like in kedai kopi), or UGLY SWANS (panjang leher), or MOSQUITOES (buzzling in finding d answers) short get ur heads down, ur stationery ready n just do ur work in the allocated time and pretend there's no one in the exam room except u.
if any of these can't be adhered to...TEACHER LINDA WILL TAKE UR PAPER N U R STUCK BEING PAPERLESS.
so today, i did just that...after a few reminders to the class...and after being smirked at regularly right after every reminder....
one student was tremendously angry when i did that...he went out with a bang of the chair and came back with the banging of his chair and table...he was screaming to me....
and all hell almost broke loose.....he snapped...i almost snapped coz my hands were all shaking and he would be my FIRST....THE FIRST SLAP IN SIONG....another student came to my RESCUE..."TEACHER TAK PAYAH CAKAP BANYAKLAH, NANTI DIA LAGI MARAH?"
i said to rude...what kind of perception does nowadays students have towards teachers? BABU ke? KE DEPANYA SERVANT....
anyways, i asked him to sit down and i said ...a real man doesn't go angry like him...and this was not the first time i invigilated the class....every time i enter, d rule is d i said, u could do d rest of the paper if u want...AND HE SNATCHED THE PAPER FROM MY DESK....
the bottom line KURANG AJAR....VERY VERY KURANG AJAR.....
this is going to be in my record book.....
d most geram thing is....i got one more slot of invigilation at this form 5 class....what should i do? i keep repeating d question in my head....some answers are, i should switch with a male teacher, or i should go in and see what other events will happen....or i should go in JUST TO SPITE THEM.....
d most logical answer is I SHOULD GO IN JUST TO SPITE THEM....better not just one slot...i think i will take all the slots until the end of the day...who do they effing think they are...?
i will fulfill my destiny tomorrow...the destiny of being in school with a bunch of future losers...and the destiny of.......
PPSMI Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at 8:21pm | Edit Note | Delete's been almost two months since i note in haha....
today has been a very hectic day...starts 7.30am keje tak berhenti until 1.30...1.37 i went back...tak kuasa ber overtime.
i am so emotional reason is's gone...GREAT...then no more workshops for MATH N SCIENCE TEACHERS...ringan sikit beban english teachers here in siong n i believe other schools elsewhere.
however, d one thing that bugs me over n over again y most malays....object d use of english in the teaching of maths n's just a language u damazz....y b afraid of a language?it's just language....nama pun KEMAHIRAN BAHASA INGGERIS bukannya KEPANDAIAN BAHASA INGGERIS...y is this a problem...P.RAMLEE n sekufu dgnnye p universiti ke in order for him to have been able to speak english? nope skolah menengah aje...but he could do it....
d teaching of maths n science here in siong is bilingual...most of the time is in malay....the teacher translated d's hard work but at least the students got the exposure why english is a universal language....d language of science n's only been a few years....what they should do is, to upgrade, improve on the module itself...not stop d program...i feel so mad because it is stopped for the wrong reasons...where is d BS of being A GLOCAL citizen? think global act ZAMAN BATU....?
hilang melayu ke if fluent in a second language? kalau maths n science being taught in malay semua students akan dapat A ke? SIONG...BAHASA MELAYU PUN BELUM 50% pass apa? apa maknanya semua ini? TAK ADA MAKNANYA....
i don't know y i'm so geram over this matter...i shouldn't care coz I DON'T HAVE ANY KIDS.....but i do care coz...i do not want future malaysian leaders to be gullible, unlearned and no sense of being stronger when challenged....i guess we will have this kind of leaders coz we are having them now in the parliament...
it's just a language....U CAN LEARN COZ U R NOT DEAD....only JACKASS cannot i guess....those who opposed to d idea of learning maths n science in english are d ones who can't learn, who are afraid of challenges, malays parents who like where they are right now and who like that their children not to have to be distress over learning maths n science in english, in short....jackasses....
we were talking about ppsmi, this morning a history teacher was telling a joke she made in her history class in siong...
guru sejarah, menghantar ilmu sejarah kepada kamu di dalam bahasa melayu.
guru bahasa melayu mengajar ilmu bahasa melayu itukepada kamu di dalam bahasa melayu
guru matematik dan sains menghantar ilmu itu kepada kamu dalam bahasa inggeris kerana itu ilmu sains dan teknologi
guru bahasa inggeris memberi ilmu tentang bahasa inggeris kepada kamu di dalam BAHASA MELAYU.
di mana silapnya? as an english teacher i feel that....i am a sitting duck..can't do anything....with or without life as an english teacher is very hard seeing my own clan, d younger leaders are anything but people are comfortable to be poor and unknowledgeable.....this is my challenge....teaching unmotivated malays, lazy to boot and stubborn enuff to force a teacher like me think of knocking the heads of these students to the wall just to put in some sense into their minds.
happy teachers' dayShare. Monday, May 18, 2009 at 12:17am | Edit Note | Delete
well, it's been a day after may 16 but our school celebrated it today...n tomorrow sambung exam sampai cuti...horrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee...tak yah masuk kelas.
anyways, that's not y i'm writing...
d ppd of baling/ sik was d invited speaker n he told a very interesting story.....he couldn't forget his teacher named MrS Selvam...she was his standard 2 teacher in 1973...he remembers her because one day, he was called to d front, and she knocked his head 20 times, every time he made a mistake in d exercise book....he consoled his heart until today that he thinks he could understand y d teacher did that to him....the best part of the story....after he'd been punished by d teacher u know, kena ketuk kepala dgn buku 20 times...when he got d book......IT WAS NOT EVEN HIS BOOK! well, it's funny...but i think it's stupid...stupid of the teacher...if i were him...d ppd...sori naik lori lah aku nak maafkan cikgu budus mengikut nafsu tuh....
i have my share of this teacher's stupidity.....when i was standard 5, in English class, I was slapped by this Mrs what kaur, i can't remember, just because i wrote capital T like L upside down....and i got a slap for that....a slap for a T....she never thought i was good enuff in d class, she favored students and in d end i got the last laugh when in penilaian darjah 5, i got 5 As n d favorite ones in d class just got 3As...TAKE THAT! she was so disbelieved that i could get that kinda results...believe me, i didn't, she gave me an album for getting d As...ya, still keep it tho in my mom's house...i think...but i'd never forget, she's err...passed on due to breast cancer...i'd say, padan ler...sampai sekarang, i don't think, i deserve d sepak coz menulis T cenggitu.
My favourite teacher is cikgu WONG KONTRAK who taught Maths when i was form 3 and form 4...he's d only teacher who could make my knees knocking each other, teeth chattering n my body shivering every time i saw him walking into my class.....with d pot belly, and smelly body...due to chain smoking...d thunderous loud sound exactly like kidding....d voice alone could make ANYONE pee in d pants...thats how...his favourite phrase of me was LAZY GIRL...PEMALAS...SUKA PONTENG....with the loving gestures of slapping my head...but i take lazy anytime rather than being labeled....U COWDUNG, MONKEY, STUPID COW, STUPID AYAM...see? at first, it was like IN HELL everytime Maths...n NO ONE could afford not to do their homework...coz, if u didn't do d work...U'LL BE IN FRONT OF CLASS BEING YELLED AT....3 apa? 3 LEMBU? 3 TAIK AYAM? STUPID BOY! hehe...d first few months i was FRIGHTENED, d rest of the year...i was gliding in the class...orang lain takut nak tanya especially kat papan hitam...Me? TAK RETI NAK BUAT LAGI MAU TANYA...n d best thing....he WALKED me thru d difficult question in the class, in front of everybody n never screamed! i just loved fren asked...awak tak takut ke dengan Mr. Wong tu? i said....NO....what to do, i was cute at that time...tak percaya tengok ajelah gambo2 lama I hua3x! Anyways, this teacher made me who i am today....he taught me to ask questions when u don't know...of course after attempting them...apart from his abrasive way of COMMUNICATING in class...i am pretty sure he was teaching from his his own unique ways haha...well, he was awarded d best math teacher in pahang..that should show something hehe...d funniest thing about this teacher is...he always missed a button of two of his shirts which he wore like d whole week and we always saw his belly button...sebelah baju luar seluar, sebelah lagi kat dalam...macamana tu?
now, i guess, some of the teaching approaches i adopted i think it was from Mr. Wong lazy students of course...i have been a firm but approachable lecturer since i can remember n that's not easy s d good students will always have their ways in the class, the problematic students will always have mine...s a teacher, now, i have not been any different....
to all my friends, who are schoo teachers,college lecturers and also home teachers....happy teachers' day...this day is for us to remember y we are in this profession.
genuine answers from me in my class Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at 7:17pm | Edit Note | Delete
in class 4IK, second last class:
potential to get A in exams: d remotest
potential to fail even though you give all the answers to an exam paper: highest
today's work is doing reading comprehension.
Soalan pertama: Teacher, teacher punya senyuman ni sangat menariklah bagi saya
My Genuine Answer (MGA): senyuman saya menarik? awak patut rasa penampar saya, lagi menarik bagi saya.Nak rasa?
Soalan seterusnya from Aliff: Teacher salin a semua soalan?
MGA: bukan teacher yang salin, awak.
Soalan lagi: Teacher ni lawok la.
MGA: Awak lagi lawok.
After a while of hingar bingar in d class, some students came to me showing d possible answers.
students: Teacher ini jawapan dia ke?
MGA: (After reading d pointed lines) Apa soalan awak?
students: Ini jawapan dia ke?
MGA: Sekarang ni apa yang nak tanya saya?
students: lah, teacher ni tak faham soalan kami?
MGA: sekarang ni apa yang awak nak saya jawab? Awak nak tahu ini adalah jawapannya atau awak nak saya beritahu jawapan sebenarnya?
Students: beritahu kami jawapan sebenarnya...(which means, they want me to answer the questions given to them)
MGA: sekarang ni awak tengok saya, saya akan beri jawapan ke?
students: paused---tidak (in chorus)
MGA: awak pandai!
Then i went round the class, i stopped when a student named Iqbal showed me his work.
Iqbal: Cikgu, macam ni ke kita jawab soalan?
belum sempat i answered his question, d loud Aliff menyampuk: Dia mana boleh buat kerja teacher, dia ni banyok makkan... (iqbal is a plump student and Aliff is less plump but shorter than Iqbal)
MGA: At least dia buat jugak kerja dia, awak tu, kurang makan pun, boleh jawab soalan ni?dah siap belum?
Aliff: belum, tersengih-sengih.
Then, i went to the girls' group:
Soalan: Teacher, kami mesti salin soalan jugak ka?
MGA: awak tak salin soalan macamana awak nak cari jawapan?
and then, the girls went berserk because, some boys took their pencils, rulers....
i just rolled my eyes...not that i couldn't believe i was in the drama but i was still trying to convince myself that i was in a secondary school.
my question: Boleh beritahu saya tak apa nama tadika ni?
the boys: tadika siong teacher...
hey no wonder, i said to myself.
then, i went to form 3AB yep, one of the last classes...doing social expressions.
soalan: Teacher, makna plants apa?
MGA: apa?
soalan: alah, teacher ni tak nak tolong langsung!
MGA: tau tak apa.
overall, my job as a teacher for these last classes have been improved to TRANSLATOR and word suppliers but, as long as i can make them work on their own...i probably will make them...towards the end of the class i usually give them the answers since, I CAN'T STAND looking at their STRESSful faces closed to constipated expressions!
when, i accept the way they are, classes are not that stressed out for me..only i feel pity because s young s them, have deemed themselves as a group of incapables...
here goes another day
a malaysian christmas stamp? Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 11:39pm | Edit Note | Delete
ok, i was driving around and listening to my radio station that is i don't listen to era coz too boring, i don't listen to coz too much like era..i occasionally listen to but usually, i tuned to maybe bcoz at suria d ads are not that many like era.
so, today's topic was about christmas...err...that's fine with's alright to learn about other festivals but to learn about xmas in everyday for a week...on a malay language radio? if we're 'majorly' gonna celebrate it...but d thing that caught my attention is when d dj was talking about d first xmas stamp came from canada and she said when are we malaysia r gonna produce our first xmas stamp....scratching my do we want xmas stamps for? and d suggestion was made on a malay language radio which airs d azan n what not...hmmm...that makes me think...
hey, i'm ok with some friends here celebrating it..n s living in multiracial country we should be tolerant to each other hence understanding the culture and religion n be fine with it...if,, or even hey i don't mind a bit...but yang rata2 listeners are malays er...i don't think it's appropriate.
in memoriam of Kak Sabiha Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 8:13pm | Edit Note | Delete
today at 3.38pm, a friend passed away. She is arwah kak sabiha, my hubby's boss's wife friend. after a week battling cancer, she passed on. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya. There's nothing bad about kak sabiha while she was around us...She was one of dearest persons i have ever met.
She was a happy, adventurous, soft spoken, unassuming person. I have always looked up to her. I respected her. In my heart, she will always be a friend. It was a long time since i spoke to her. this year never, last year rarely coz, we were all bz with our lives. She was a good hearted person and willing to sacrifice for her family and all those around her.
People say good people die young...but when they are that good a person, will they ever die? nope good person will never die coz a lot of people will always remember them.
I m sorry kak sabiha, I was not there to support you personally but you were always in our prayers.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami, tempatkanlah Kak Sabiha di kalangan kekasihmu,Amin.
my life Friday, December 5, 2008 at 2:48am | Edit Note | Delete
okay, there are a lot of things happening in my life now...for example, i'm going to finish what i've started long time ago that is to teach in college buddies gave me mix reviews, i acknowledged, appreciated but in d end this is my life...n this is the life i i have no regrets whatsoever...yep, i may not be in d pension scheme n my work grade is x s good s some of my other teacher buddies, hey it's totally fine with me...they got their own experience n i got mine...they may not have what i have and i may not have theirs..anyways, i m happy that after all i had been thru i m where i want to be.
an acquaintance is diagnosed with cancer but it's still being determined what stage she's at...she is a kind-hearted person, never takes life for granted, does what she wants n never afraid to try new things. One of d sincerest people i ever this person, i hope n we pray for her speedy's devastating to hear such news but sometimes, it is not in our hands....all we have r hope and prayers from people who care about us.
after a long long long time, i finally got in touch with a very great friend of mine who never asked more from me and accepts me d way i am, my bad n my good....she was the one who said hello when i was left by my parents at a hostel far far away from home...she stuck by me all those time, i had never seen her angry...d few first friends whom taught me patience is a virtue....she was my dorm leader and her character stuck in my mind n heart like glue...i had always tried to find her after school...we bumped into each other at ukm n we were even in d same kamsis...then, we parted ways....all the while i searched for her n i m so thankful to God that she's now in my life again....i'm happy that she has a loving family now...she deserves every bit of happiness, zainura...among all my genuine friends, i think u r d most genuine n i love u just d way u r!
i know from now, my life won't be d same as i think d reality of being OLDER haunts me like all the time. but, i guess i'm lucky that i m given d chance to walk thru life with the person n the family n friends who love n accepts me just d way i m!...
sad is the rain Friday, October 17, 2008 at 6:29pm | Edit Note | Delete
I wanna be where the rain is
Where no one knows there are tears in my eyes
I wanna be where the dark grey clouds are,
Where the colors resemble the colors in my heart
I wanna feel the coolness of the breeze
To remind me even sadness has its calmness
All I wanna hear is the raindrops outside the window pane
To help me soothe my pain
The sadder I get the heavier the rain
As the rain ceased, so will be the pain
When wet becomes dry, so I hope for the aches
By the time the sun comes out
I pray the heaviness in my chest will no longer be there.
Dunia ini untuk kita Saturday, October 4, 2008 at 1:40am | Edit Note | Delete
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Dunia ini untuk kita
mencari erti bahagia
Dunia ini untuk kita
Mengharungi sengsara apabila badai melanda
Dunia ini untuk kita menikmati dingin fajar suram senja
Dunia ini untuk kita mencari tapak di syurga
Dunia ini untuk kita berkasih sayang hingga sampai ke penghujungnya
Penghujung alam
Penghujung nafas terakhir yg dihembus
Penghujung jodoh jika ditakdirkan
Dunia ini untuk kita
Untuk aku memberi segalanya yang kumampu untuk kecapi bahagia denganmu
Dunia ini untuk kita
Untuk kau dan aku
puisi untuk bintangku Monday, September 22, 2008 at 6:37am | Edit Note | Delete
Ingin kucapai bintang di langit
dan ingin kupeluk bintang itu
Biarpun sukar dan tidak mungkin
tidak akan pudar harapanku
Bagiku kaulah bintang itu
Bercahaya ria berkelip-kelip
menerangi malamku
menemani sepi ini
Wahai bintang di kelam malam
Izinkan aku memujamu
Biarku tahu kau takkan jadi milikku
i like u, do u like me? Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 6:08am | Edit Note | Delete
i stumbled on FRIENDS on starworld, d series where ross came to know rachel was over him without him knowing it...i think it's so sweet, but seriously, it was a mess since ross had involved himself with julie an intelligent n sexy asian girl.
what i want to point out here is d moment where ross came to d cafe where rachel worked n said she had no right to have feelings for him n she said he was to blame for not telling her himself that he liked her...well, after arguing they made out...o so so romantic...and of course after that, they were confused, again...
well, aren't we, somehow like rachel n ross some time some place somehow? we liked someone n we never say anything to d person that we had feelings with....n everybody knew except that particular person...what's that? is rejection so hard to deal with that we decided maybe it's better to keep quiet about it. n our life would be more miserable when that particular somebody dates someone else or doesn't notice us the way we wanted it to be...i don't have to do some research to answer this coz, i look into myself to answer this question.
somehow, when we like that somebody, and he is in our circle of friends, we are afraid of the consequences after we said our feelings, furthermore, in our malay culture, lame s it maybe, girls r not preferred to make the first move. and, i could not live to know that he does not feel the same...n s girls we have our pride, n knowing some guys can be cruel they can call us cheap or easy...or the rejects...
but after all of these....i think on my part...i m just afraid of what happens if he likes me too? n knowing me, before he says hey, let's.....i'd be fleeing...hehe...i also believe that, timing is everything....u meet someone u like but d time is not right, d time is right that someone is completely wrong for you...nora my ex roommate said, i was like a wild horse which is very difficult to tame, n i think she was right...for this, i think when i like somebody, it's not just d issue, it's how i like myself when i like that somebody and that somebody likes me too.
hence, after a lot of crushes n tears of o, he went out with someone else bla bla bla, i settled with someone who makes me very comfortable to be me, in my skin, in my size of coursie...n he is so natural when being with me...never asks me more than just being me...that...ladies n gents...d right person, n i met him at d right time...d rest history...
My day today Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 3:16am | Edit Note | Delete
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I dunno how 2 describe my day today. Very early in d morning,my neighbour calld informg me her youngest bro in law passd away in d is devastating news,even tho m x really buddy with this guy we were courteous in our unplannd meetgs. He was 20 sth n was plang 2 get married n of d deepest sympathy 2 d family.second news lela went thru d&c this morning n i know she must feel pretty upset s she really wanted 2 b a heart cried 4 her.this is hard coz this is d 2nd time she lost her pregnancies at a very early day was saved by mtg my cici,d niece whos very special 2 time flies she is almost 4.everytg that happens make me think,we grow evry single day. I remember dr fadzilah kamsah said there 2 types of ppl.1 type who r influencd by d environmt,d 2nd type r ppl who influencd d environmt.d 2nd type is an excellent kinda ppl.i think,at present,m x that type A-D excellent now coz i allow myself 2 b overwhelmd by d not so positive emotions
all i do Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 6:00am | Edit Note | Delete
all i do this ramadan is basuh pinggan...sebelum masak basuh pinggan, lepas masak basuh pinggan, lepas makan basuh pinggan, dah basuh pinggan, kena pulak basuh periuk belanga....
sebelum sahur basuh pinggan, dah sahur ...yep u r right...kena gak basuh pinggan...n u know wat....i think i'll take an mc from basuh pinggan...lantak p la kau pinggan....duduklah dalam sinki tu...nak berbuka nanti akan ku cuci nanti...
pelik kan? duduk dua orang macam 4 5 orang dalam rumah....erkkkkk...
tulah kata my mak2 sedara yang ala datin tapi bukan tuh...."Awokk tu...belajor tinggi2 pun, ke dapor jugok peginye..."
in my heart, i answered, "Abis tu apa ke peliknye...belajor tinggi2 takkan tak nok makan....kotnye belajor tinggi tak perlu ke jarmbarn? heh?"
mengenangkan aku hanyalah budak ketika itu...aku jelingkan aje...aduh! kepala ku sakit kerana pinggang2 yang berduyung2.
ketika aku berpuasa Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 5:06pm | Edit Note | Delete
bulan ramadan bulan yang mulia
kerana kita berlapar dan dahaga
dari imsak ke azan maghrib
mencari menambah iman di dada
ketika aku berpuasa
aku bersahur dengan si dia
makanlah apa saja yang tercapai di dalam peti
yang penting air minum hampir sebaldi
ketika kami berpuasa
azhar mesti mencari kuih muih
kerana kuih muih itulah buka puasa katanyalah
cukuplah air minuman bergelas mungkin
makanan?asal yang sedap ditelan, oklah tu.
semasa berpuasa
rasanya lebih banyak berpeluh
kerana mengejar banyak benda
seperti terawih, sahur dan berbuka...
ingat senang ke bulan puasa?
makin susah mengenangkan raya
kalau dulu happy boleh mintak duit raya
sekarang ni happy memberi duit raya
selepas itu kebengongan duit susut tak kira
mr hazidi kata, "2 zeros lost from my bank account"
itu dulu masa aku student
sekarang ku mengerti apa yg dikata
nak buat camno, it's life n it's d time for giving
ketika aku berpuasa
gastrik jadi teman setia
pening n weng dah tentu ada
tapi tetap ku puasakan juga
beginilah bulan puasa
walaupun penat hati gembira
kerana belajar mendidik jiwa
kepada yang tak puasa
untuk perempuan biasalah tu
untuk lelaki shame on u...
*ok, mr hazidi...this one i think i can rap it! hehehe
Ikhlas tapi jauh
Ketika pertama kali aku mengenali dirimu
Di hati ini mengatakan kau seorang yang istimewa
Di dalam ria, kau ketawa
Di dalam duka kau pamerkan senyuman
Ketika hidupmu di persimpangan
Kau teguh berdiri mengasuh hati
Dalam hidup ada sengsara
Walau begitu sengsara menjadi abu
Apabila matamu bercahaya mengucapkan harapan
Tiada duanya dirimu di dunia ini
Mungkin ada yang mengadili
Mungkin ada yang cuba mengubahmu
Namun kau bijak hanya dengan menjadi dirimu sendiri
Usahlah berduka teman
Kerana kedukaan membuang masa
Teruskan perjuanganmu
dan ketika lelah bersarang di dadamu
Pandanglah ke dalam hatimu
Lihatlah sedalamnya
Carilah kekuatan kerana kutahu kau tentu akan menemuinya
Kebahagiaan kesempurnaan kegembiraan
Tidak perlu dirisaukan akan kehadiran mereka
Segalanya akan menjadi milikmu
Cuma bersabarlah
kerana semua yang terbaik di dalam hidup ini mengambil masa
mengingatkanmu mengingatkanku
kita perlu bersyukur kerana kita mempunyai kita
layarilah dugaan ini dengan bunga di hati
matahari di mata
sejajar harapan di hening fajar setiap hari
how much do u love me, honey? Sunday, August 24, 2008 at 12:00am | Edit Note | Delete
ok, i gave this question to azhar while watching tv last nite...i think...and this is his answer...:
my love for u is like my 'taik idung' ...will always be matter how much i korek...some are hard, some are soft, some are wet, some are dry....
speechless? yep....
it's been a very trying dayShare. Friday, August 1, 2008 at 3:40am | Edit Note | Delete
d pizza hut hustler...
okie, today was a weird day for me...yep, i had cleared all d pending things that i had to do...the weirdest n interesting at the same time, oklah a little bit scary day after a long long time, i saw a young guy tried to hustle his ways in getting free food from the patrons of pizza hut central square...
i was there having my lunch alone...n then, came a chinese uncle sat at the table in front of me....i was busy facebooking on my phone, n i had my drinks on the table. i noticed this guy wearing black tshirt n jeans n a pair of sunglasses was some sort of trying to choose which table he wanted to sit....MINE or that chinese uncle....i looked at him, bewildered of course, n he decided to sit at that uncle's table....hehehehe...hmm,
he tried to strike up a conversationlah...that uncle was so kesian, he just didn't know wat to on earth would he ask this person who was sitting n looking at the menu as well at his table to be gone? so he just stood up n left
i tried not to think if ever he'd sit in front of me...the pizza hut hustler stood up n now he went to the next table...s u can c in d pic...a group of ladies with a young boy...i think they are a there he was trying so hard to find an exact word that could make him sit at the same table...
if u were in this situation what would u do? so the manager asked him to leave...he was reluctant la at first saying he did nothing wrong...he was just mingling...but still they asked him to leave...
so, i asked the waitress who this guy was...adik tu cakap..."o, dia ni mental kak, dah seminggu, hari2 kat depan ni."
i asked her how did she know, he's MENTAL...
"hari tu, dia order banyak makanan untuk bawa balik, lepas dah key in semua, kami minta dia bayar...dia jawab, ishk sapa nak bayaq ni? saya tadak duit...ambiklah gelang ni...dia tunjuk gelang serupa emas kat tangan dia..."
well, d manager was very polite, she just asked him to sit n gave him a glass of water but not the makanan....
n since then, pantang dia tengok orang habis bayar..dia akan straight away goes to the table n finish off the food yang tak abis....penat tau bebudak pizza hut ni menjaga tables tak bagi peluang dia nak duduk n makan...
at 1st glance..mmg nampak dia lapar..tapi kan...punyalah banyak kedai makan kat situ...mengapa pizza hut saja favourite place i also conclude there must be something seriously wrong with him mentally....this guy is young, strong n able la...nak kerja mesti boleh punya...but itulah...kita tak tau apa giler dia...hehehe...
luckily he was not that giler to sit with me...kalau tak i also do not know wat to do...pernah masa bertunang...i waited for azhar at kompleks pkns at nelson's yang tepi tangga tu...i was sitting at one of three small tables kat situ..and datang this guy berdiri at next table sebelah i...n dia tanya ada orang tak? i said one duduk kat situ...n u know where he duduk? betul2 in front of me...i was hmm, speechless...pelik pun ada...dia was trying to introduce himself n i just stood up..n said i was sorry i had to go...i moved on n he followed me ...aiyoh, i called azhar, he just laughed....azhar said just lose him...lose him i did...i went into cold storage (then) n tried to lose him inside...u know wat he did? he was outside d store ....trying to look where i had what did i do? i waited until he's gone...n ran to the bsn...coz when i went out nearby guardian, he was waiting at the benches...d scariest moment of my life...n azhar ...couldn't stop laughing...
erghhh...manusia penuh ragam...but this kind of ragam..nothing in school ever taught u how to handle such behaviour
picking up where i left a long long time ago Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 4:19am | Edit Note | Delete
okay, today, just for the sake of being there n having done that, i went to the CIKGU interviu in thing about me, i will always ALWAYS sesat when i wanna go for an interview...WHAT'S THAT?
so there i was in the midst of young n vibrant n fresh said to myself...i used to be such...where did it all go?where? it felt that i was d only one yg kerepot kat a way i was for today....
those under kpm with cgpa 2.75 n above will just have to sit for the M-test...what's an M-test u might ask? it's actually a 135 personality questions...kacang!hmm, there i was the oldest n also a cgpa 2.75 i had to be in an took ages just to wait for my turn....d interview is actually quite outrageous la....
soalan wajib...apa RUKUN NEGARA?
soalan kedua...berapa RUKUN ISLAM?
soalan yang paling outrageous in this interview is....tolong baca niat mandi hadas in bahasa arab?
HUWATTTT? anyways those were my questions...some get sila NYANYIKAN NEGARAKU....LAGU NEGERI KEDAH....LAGU KANAK2
wild huh? anyways, bala dah by december...i'd know my posting...if i get one...will it be my end of carefree life? i dunno...
if i get sekolah depan umah or belakang umah, i will consider it...hehe....if not....i guess.....i don't know what to guess...
my flowery life Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 5:04am | Edit Note | Delete
Ok, today, i've had two not so good news, azhar's assistant is hospitalized coz of her bad coughs which leads to asthma...and another bad news is, one of our tesl juniors passed on yesterday...i can't say i knew her, but i think she was a very sweet person.
Anyways, i went to buy some get well soon flowers for azhar's assistant named wani...i paid 15 ringgit for a very hideous looking bouquet n d worst part, i didn't say anything about it to the florist...if i wanna call her a, i had to go home n reaarange it myself...what i did, i rampaged my neighbour's garden hehehe, she loves me, don't worry!she wont mind! i took a couple of leaves which i think can make the bouquet a bit better...
i dunno, i'm nuts about flowers...i love flowers...really really love flowers...i guess i started to have this passion when i was still young...when i was young, my family lived in a government quarters which was really near to KOMPLEKS TERUNTUM, a very hyped then shopping complex...i used to lepak there like it was my second home, i know every at this complex, there had a flower shop n this shop usually trashed all the saki baki flowers at the dump at the back of the complex...n me...i took all those fresh flowers from the dumps to my home...and it was not bad. on ordinary day, i got kekwas n carnations, on good days, i always had roses!:)
so, i know for malays, buying flowers are a waste of money, but for me, buying flowers and giving them to someone is a special thing to do...
even tho i love flowers, no one ever gave me flowers, not even one stalk of daisy...not until i met azhar....on our first real date, he bought me a stalk of red rose.....awwww he's so sweet...n that's actually his lunch money n he bought flowers for me....every time we walked by petaling street, he would always stop n buy me flowers...on pokai day, usually one stalk, on not so pokai days, he usually give me half of dozen roses....on special occasions usually a hundred...he knew how i loved flowers especially roses n he would make it a habit ...even now, my birthday our anniversaries, he never forgets to buy me flowers....i love flowers that i don't mind not having any presents....the flowers will do!
when my mom was warded, i bought her flowers...some say membazir, i say's to show that flowers are beautiful and special and so is my mom...therefore, if i can, whenever ppl get warded i'd buy them flowers...coz i know, d feeling of accepting such gifts creates warm fuzzy feelings...n that...u can't have when u give fruits...
one thing special about my husband, he appreciates that i appreciate flowers what it means to flowers are magical...some women say they don't expect to have flowers coz it just don't matter to them...but u know wat, i bet once in her life...even just once...receiving flowers can touch their hearts...
movie marathon on my anniversary movie bash...! Monday, July 7, 2008 at 6:53pm | Edit Note | Delete
hokeh...after a careful consideration on what to do on our 10th anniversary, we decided to watch we decided to watch these movies...and these are my honest and humble reviews
GET SMART...- i give it a B+
it is hilarious but almost forgettable but it's kinda a good try...nope i do not want my money back.the funniest part is the ending....will never forget it.
HULK:....i think it's d cutest green eyed monster...kesian he got to run here n there just to be safe from the military...n when he's not hulk, awww he's so gentle like the summer breeze, i'd give him a hug anytime...what's funny in the movie, we can see these cameos like the old bruce banner, what's d name, lou ferrigno the former hulk...hehehe....n robert downey jr s the stark don't want a refund...but i only see this movie twice if it's free....or not. i give it a B+ also.
HANCOCK...hmm, kinda funny, sometimes miserable, n has good ending..i rate it as B
oke d next day, we watched:
Doomsday: wow, very violent, u can't believe how choppy the dialogues r hehehe...scary but i love the BENTLEY in the movie. C
MOST WANTED: angelina jolie n others in d movie....i like the twist in the movie. u can make a curve bullet, hey, u can be an ASSassin. i give it a B-, watch if u love angelina jolie.
d most anticipated movie is from m.night shyamalan....the HAPPENINGS...i have only two words....WHAT'S HAPPENING? nothing happens in the movie. ppl sit in the movie only to be zombied afterwords...the comment from me afterwards is, CAN U PLEASE TELL ME WHAT DID WE WATCH JUST NOW... i think, m. night shyamalan has completed his circle...from seeing dead people, to aliens n crop circle, people living in a VILLAGE in a forest reserve and there's A LADY IN THE!u know wat, utv pictures which one of the producers is malaysian coz it's from the SCREWvala family who produced MASTURA, n idaman on astro ria....oklah....
itulah our celebration hehehe...
miss hanging cow
This is little miss hanging cow, hana's favourite cow..
Little miss hanging cow hanged from a ball n hanged on top of her endoi.
Do not underestimate the power of little miss hanging cow for she holds the magic of making hana's tears dry away. It can also hold hana's gaze for s long s her eyes remained open.
Hana can't stand it, if she doesnt spend 3/4 of her awake time with miss hanging cow.
Miss hanging cow has the sweetest melodiest melody that mesmerizes my omot every time her string being pulled :)
So my hana bana honey bun sweetie pumpkin pie, mummy n daddy will always remember to bring miss hanging cow wherever u go hehe...sleep well, sayang
to mommy n daddy's little princess Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 9:32pm | Edit Note | Delete
hana sweetie
Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all
Baby is drowsing, cozy and fair
Mother sits near, in her rocking chair
Forward and back, the cradle she swings
And though baby sleeps, she hears what she sings
From the high rooftops, down to the sea
No one's as dear, as baby to me
Wee little fingers, eyes wide and bright
Now sound asleep, until morning light.
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today's highlights Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 12:25am | Edit Note | Delete
not that, i want the world to know what was going on's just that, sharing is loving haha.
usually, i write in my pathestic (pathetic & fantastic) blog but tonite i wanna write here
today was such eventful day in my life...we'll start from morning shall we...
i woke up late, as usual, n of coz went out from the house late, n reached school 1 min late but for me i was ON TIME.
at the assembly, i had to sit at d front row coz all back seats were one wanted to give their seats so, wth...i sat in front of the whole school. after 15 mins of assembly, a student blacked out n fell face down we were shocked. i was looking at him the whole time n i turned away 1 sec n he fell...iyyyuuuuduuuushhhhhh. pity that boy, penuh muka ngan pasir tar....what's wrong with this picture? i used to stand longer than that when i was in school...
ok, an hour later after the assembly, there was a chaos at the canteen...i said to myself, what now? o, a girl fell down the stairs. she slipped n fell, nasiblah sekolah ada tingkat satu this girl frail n skinny was at the canteen in pain...nobody knew what to do including me...the teacher on duty wanted to take her to the clinic but she was in a lot of pain, so they decided to call an ambulance n the ambulance was fast....i was inside the canteen n i went out when it came coz, i was so impressed with the medical staff...they were really good looking...hehehe....the doctor was young and handsome and the attendant was young and cute...and i said to myself wow, after a long long time in baling/sik district only now i met a young cute handsome and honourable men...hehe...i hope the girl felt a little bit better since they were two handsome guys attending her hehehe.
ok in the afternoon, i saw more than 12 students gathering at the canteen with the discipline teacher and these were ponteng students who were caught just outside the school. WHAT IS THAT? u want to ponteng go to town la, o in d kebun getah...u don't sit around a tree near the school i heard n saw them being whipped on their asses...good for them...muka selamba giler tak rasa bersalah pun...
what's to become of these students? hantu most seems useless n hopeless of trying to make it right coz, teaching these bunch is teaching in a vacuum...
so that's my school life today. let's c what's installed for me tomorrow
today today today Monday, July 13, 2009 at 7:53pm | Edit Note | Delete
today is going into my history bank of my teaching experience....when i look back...i wonder whether i could handle it any better....but i still havent found d answer except that, i should have gone berserk n made his life a living hell and a mistake he d never make...
i went to invigilate a form 5 class,
status: GARUS=GAGAL HARUS...buatlah apapun tetap takkan lulus semua subject,
reputation:very very bad with teachers...most of the teachers who went in, most probably will never come back into the class,
the class exam reality: a bunch of students who sit for exam have no clue watsoever what subject on what day n what for.....who don't have the drive to succeed all they want to do is to get it over sign of any one of them studies very very hard for an exam for any particular in the exam the only thing that can be seen they strive at is....MATCHING THEIR ANSWERS TO ONE reality, COPYING IS THEIR WAY OF EXAM. no respect for themselves, just a bunch of d next MALAYSIAN IDIOTS.
my rule is simple when i invigilate in class...
u wanna chat...take the chat outside, send in d exam paper
u wanna do the exam, make sure ur not being FRIENDLY(chatty like in kedai kopi), or UGLY SWANS (panjang leher), or MOSQUITOES (buzzling in finding d answers) short get ur heads down, ur stationery ready n just do ur work in the allocated time and pretend there's no one in the exam room except u.
if any of these can't be adhered to...TEACHER LINDA WILL TAKE UR PAPER N U R STUCK BEING PAPERLESS.
so today, i did just that...after a few reminders to the class...and after being smirked at regularly right after every reminder....
one student was tremendously angry when i did that...he went out with a bang of the chair and came back with the banging of his chair and table...he was screaming to me....
and all hell almost broke loose.....he snapped...i almost snapped coz my hands were all shaking and he would be my FIRST....THE FIRST SLAP IN SIONG....another student came to my RESCUE..."TEACHER TAK PAYAH CAKAP BANYAKLAH, NANTI DIA LAGI MARAH?"
i said to rude...what kind of perception does nowadays students have towards teachers? BABU ke? KE DEPANYA SERVANT....
anyways, i asked him to sit down and i said ...a real man doesn't go angry like him...and this was not the first time i invigilated the class....every time i enter, d rule is d i said, u could do d rest of the paper if u want...AND HE SNATCHED THE PAPER FROM MY DESK....
the bottom line KURANG AJAR....VERY VERY KURANG AJAR.....
this is going to be in my record book.....
d most geram thing is....i got one more slot of invigilation at this form 5 class....what should i do? i keep repeating d question in my head....some answers are, i should switch with a male teacher, or i should go in and see what other events will happen....or i should go in JUST TO SPITE THEM.....
d most logical answer is I SHOULD GO IN JUST TO SPITE THEM....better not just one slot...i think i will take all the slots until the end of the day...who do they effing think they are...?
i will fulfill my destiny tomorrow...the destiny of being in school with a bunch of future losers...and the destiny of.......
PPSMI Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at 8:21pm | Edit Note | Delete's been almost two months since i note in haha....
today has been a very hectic day...starts 7.30am keje tak berhenti until 1.30...1.37 i went back...tak kuasa ber overtime.
i am so emotional reason is's gone...GREAT...then no more workshops for MATH N SCIENCE TEACHERS...ringan sikit beban english teachers here in siong n i believe other schools elsewhere.
however, d one thing that bugs me over n over again y most malays....object d use of english in the teaching of maths n's just a language u damazz....y b afraid of a language?it's just language....nama pun KEMAHIRAN BAHASA INGGERIS bukannya KEPANDAIAN BAHASA INGGERIS...y is this a problem...P.RAMLEE n sekufu dgnnye p universiti ke in order for him to have been able to speak english? nope skolah menengah aje...but he could do it....
d teaching of maths n science here in siong is bilingual...most of the time is in malay....the teacher translated d's hard work but at least the students got the exposure why english is a universal language....d language of science n's only been a few years....what they should do is, to upgrade, improve on the module itself...not stop d program...i feel so mad because it is stopped for the wrong reasons...where is d BS of being A GLOCAL citizen? think global act ZAMAN BATU....?
hilang melayu ke if fluent in a second language? kalau maths n science being taught in malay semua students akan dapat A ke? SIONG...BAHASA MELAYU PUN BELUM 50% pass apa? apa maknanya semua ini? TAK ADA MAKNANYA....
i don't know y i'm so geram over this matter...i shouldn't care coz I DON'T HAVE ANY KIDS.....but i do care coz...i do not want future malaysian leaders to be gullible, unlearned and no sense of being stronger when challenged....i guess we will have this kind of leaders coz we are having them now in the parliament...
it's just a language....U CAN LEARN COZ U R NOT DEAD....only JACKASS cannot i guess....those who opposed to d idea of learning maths n science in english are d ones who can't learn, who are afraid of challenges, malays parents who like where they are right now and who like that their children not to have to be distress over learning maths n science in english, in short....jackasses....
we were talking about ppsmi, this morning a history teacher was telling a joke she made in her history class in siong...
guru sejarah, menghantar ilmu sejarah kepada kamu di dalam bahasa melayu.
guru bahasa melayu mengajar ilmu bahasa melayu itukepada kamu di dalam bahasa melayu
guru matematik dan sains menghantar ilmu itu kepada kamu dalam bahasa inggeris kerana itu ilmu sains dan teknologi
guru bahasa inggeris memberi ilmu tentang bahasa inggeris kepada kamu di dalam BAHASA MELAYU.
di mana silapnya? as an english teacher i feel that....i am a sitting duck..can't do anything....with or without life as an english teacher is very hard seeing my own clan, d younger leaders are anything but people are comfortable to be poor and unknowledgeable.....this is my challenge....teaching unmotivated malays, lazy to boot and stubborn enuff to force a teacher like me think of knocking the heads of these students to the wall just to put in some sense into their minds.
happy teachers' dayShare. Monday, May 18, 2009 at 12:17am | Edit Note | Delete
well, it's been a day after may 16 but our school celebrated it today...n tomorrow sambung exam sampai cuti...horrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee...tak yah masuk kelas.
anyways, that's not y i'm writing...
d ppd of baling/ sik was d invited speaker n he told a very interesting story.....he couldn't forget his teacher named MrS Selvam...she was his standard 2 teacher in 1973...he remembers her because one day, he was called to d front, and she knocked his head 20 times, every time he made a mistake in d exercise book....he consoled his heart until today that he thinks he could understand y d teacher did that to him....the best part of the story....after he'd been punished by d teacher u know, kena ketuk kepala dgn buku 20 times...when he got d book......IT WAS NOT EVEN HIS BOOK! well, it's funny...but i think it's stupid...stupid of the teacher...if i were him...d ppd...sori naik lori lah aku nak maafkan cikgu budus mengikut nafsu tuh....
i have my share of this teacher's stupidity.....when i was standard 5, in English class, I was slapped by this Mrs what kaur, i can't remember, just because i wrote capital T like L upside down....and i got a slap for that....a slap for a T....she never thought i was good enuff in d class, she favored students and in d end i got the last laugh when in penilaian darjah 5, i got 5 As n d favorite ones in d class just got 3As...TAKE THAT! she was so disbelieved that i could get that kinda results...believe me, i didn't, she gave me an album for getting d As...ya, still keep it tho in my mom's house...i think...but i'd never forget, she's err...passed on due to breast cancer...i'd say, padan ler...sampai sekarang, i don't think, i deserve d sepak coz menulis T cenggitu.
My favourite teacher is cikgu WONG KONTRAK who taught Maths when i was form 3 and form 4...he's d only teacher who could make my knees knocking each other, teeth chattering n my body shivering every time i saw him walking into my class.....with d pot belly, and smelly body...due to chain smoking...d thunderous loud sound exactly like kidding....d voice alone could make ANYONE pee in d pants...thats how...his favourite phrase of me was LAZY GIRL...PEMALAS...SUKA PONTENG....with the loving gestures of slapping my head...but i take lazy anytime rather than being labeled....U COWDUNG, MONKEY, STUPID COW, STUPID AYAM...see? at first, it was like IN HELL everytime Maths...n NO ONE could afford not to do their homework...coz, if u didn't do d work...U'LL BE IN FRONT OF CLASS BEING YELLED AT....3 apa? 3 LEMBU? 3 TAIK AYAM? STUPID BOY! hehe...d first few months i was FRIGHTENED, d rest of the year...i was gliding in the class...orang lain takut nak tanya especially kat papan hitam...Me? TAK RETI NAK BUAT LAGI MAU TANYA...n d best thing....he WALKED me thru d difficult question in the class, in front of everybody n never screamed! i just loved fren asked...awak tak takut ke dengan Mr. Wong tu? i said....NO....what to do, i was cute at that time...tak percaya tengok ajelah gambo2 lama I hua3x! Anyways, this teacher made me who i am today....he taught me to ask questions when u don't know...of course after attempting them...apart from his abrasive way of COMMUNICATING in class...i am pretty sure he was teaching from his his own unique ways haha...well, he was awarded d best math teacher in pahang..that should show something hehe...d funniest thing about this teacher is...he always missed a button of two of his shirts which he wore like d whole week and we always saw his belly button...sebelah baju luar seluar, sebelah lagi kat dalam...macamana tu?
now, i guess, some of the teaching approaches i adopted i think it was from Mr. Wong lazy students of course...i have been a firm but approachable lecturer since i can remember n that's not easy s d good students will always have their ways in the class, the problematic students will always have mine...s a teacher, now, i have not been any different....
to all my friends, who are schoo teachers,college lecturers and also home teachers....happy teachers' day...this day is for us to remember y we are in this profession.
genuine answers from me in my class Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at 7:17pm | Edit Note | Delete
in class 4IK, second last class:
potential to get A in exams: d remotest
potential to fail even though you give all the answers to an exam paper: highest
today's work is doing reading comprehension.
Soalan pertama: Teacher, teacher punya senyuman ni sangat menariklah bagi saya
My Genuine Answer (MGA): senyuman saya menarik? awak patut rasa penampar saya, lagi menarik bagi saya.Nak rasa?
Soalan seterusnya from Aliff: Teacher salin a semua soalan?
MGA: bukan teacher yang salin, awak.
Soalan lagi: Teacher ni lawok la.
MGA: Awak lagi lawok.
After a while of hingar bingar in d class, some students came to me showing d possible answers.
students: Teacher ini jawapan dia ke?
MGA: (After reading d pointed lines) Apa soalan awak?
students: Ini jawapan dia ke?
MGA: Sekarang ni apa yang nak tanya saya?
students: lah, teacher ni tak faham soalan kami?
MGA: sekarang ni apa yang awak nak saya jawab? Awak nak tahu ini adalah jawapannya atau awak nak saya beritahu jawapan sebenarnya?
Students: beritahu kami jawapan sebenarnya...(which means, they want me to answer the questions given to them)
MGA: sekarang ni awak tengok saya, saya akan beri jawapan ke?
students: paused---tidak (in chorus)
MGA: awak pandai!
Then i went round the class, i stopped when a student named Iqbal showed me his work.
Iqbal: Cikgu, macam ni ke kita jawab soalan?
belum sempat i answered his question, d loud Aliff menyampuk: Dia mana boleh buat kerja teacher, dia ni banyok makkan... (iqbal is a plump student and Aliff is less plump but shorter than Iqbal)
MGA: At least dia buat jugak kerja dia, awak tu, kurang makan pun, boleh jawab soalan ni?dah siap belum?
Aliff: belum, tersengih-sengih.
Then, i went to the girls' group:
Soalan: Teacher, kami mesti salin soalan jugak ka?
MGA: awak tak salin soalan macamana awak nak cari jawapan?
and then, the girls went berserk because, some boys took their pencils, rulers....
i just rolled my eyes...not that i couldn't believe i was in the drama but i was still trying to convince myself that i was in a secondary school.
my question: Boleh beritahu saya tak apa nama tadika ni?
the boys: tadika siong teacher...
hey no wonder, i said to myself.
then, i went to form 3AB yep, one of the last classes...doing social expressions.
soalan: Teacher, makna plants apa?
MGA: apa?
soalan: alah, teacher ni tak nak tolong langsung!
MGA: tau tak apa.
overall, my job as a teacher for these last classes have been improved to TRANSLATOR and word suppliers but, as long as i can make them work on their own...i probably will make them...towards the end of the class i usually give them the answers since, I CAN'T STAND looking at their STRESSful faces closed to constipated expressions!
when, i accept the way they are, classes are not that stressed out for me..only i feel pity because s young s them, have deemed themselves as a group of incapables...
here goes another day
a malaysian christmas stamp? Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 11:39pm | Edit Note | Delete
ok, i was driving around and listening to my radio station that is i don't listen to era coz too boring, i don't listen to coz too much like era..i occasionally listen to but usually, i tuned to maybe bcoz at suria d ads are not that many like era.
so, today's topic was about christmas...err...that's fine with's alright to learn about other festivals but to learn about xmas in everyday for a week...on a malay language radio? if we're 'majorly' gonna celebrate it...but d thing that caught my attention is when d dj was talking about d first xmas stamp came from canada and she said when are we malaysia r gonna produce our first xmas stamp....scratching my do we want xmas stamps for? and d suggestion was made on a malay language radio which airs d azan n what not...hmmm...that makes me think...
hey, i'm ok with some friends here celebrating it..n s living in multiracial country we should be tolerant to each other hence understanding the culture and religion n be fine with it...if,, or even hey i don't mind a bit...but yang rata2 listeners are malays er...i don't think it's appropriate.
in memoriam of Kak Sabiha Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 8:13pm | Edit Note | Delete
today at 3.38pm, a friend passed away. She is arwah kak sabiha, my hubby's boss's wife friend. after a week battling cancer, she passed on. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya. There's nothing bad about kak sabiha while she was around us...She was one of dearest persons i have ever met.
She was a happy, adventurous, soft spoken, unassuming person. I have always looked up to her. I respected her. In my heart, she will always be a friend. It was a long time since i spoke to her. this year never, last year rarely coz, we were all bz with our lives. She was a good hearted person and willing to sacrifice for her family and all those around her.
People say good people die young...but when they are that good a person, will they ever die? nope good person will never die coz a lot of people will always remember them.
I m sorry kak sabiha, I was not there to support you personally but you were always in our prayers.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami, tempatkanlah Kak Sabiha di kalangan kekasihmu,Amin.
my life Friday, December 5, 2008 at 2:48am | Edit Note | Delete
okay, there are a lot of things happening in my life now...for example, i'm going to finish what i've started long time ago that is to teach in college buddies gave me mix reviews, i acknowledged, appreciated but in d end this is my life...n this is the life i i have no regrets whatsoever...yep, i may not be in d pension scheme n my work grade is x s good s some of my other teacher buddies, hey it's totally fine with me...they got their own experience n i got mine...they may not have what i have and i may not have theirs..anyways, i m happy that after all i had been thru i m where i want to be.
an acquaintance is diagnosed with cancer but it's still being determined what stage she's at...she is a kind-hearted person, never takes life for granted, does what she wants n never afraid to try new things. One of d sincerest people i ever this person, i hope n we pray for her speedy's devastating to hear such news but sometimes, it is not in our hands....all we have r hope and prayers from people who care about us.
after a long long long time, i finally got in touch with a very great friend of mine who never asked more from me and accepts me d way i am, my bad n my good....she was the one who said hello when i was left by my parents at a hostel far far away from home...she stuck by me all those time, i had never seen her angry...d few first friends whom taught me patience is a virtue....she was my dorm leader and her character stuck in my mind n heart like glue...i had always tried to find her after school...we bumped into each other at ukm n we were even in d same kamsis...then, we parted ways....all the while i searched for her n i m so thankful to God that she's now in my life again....i'm happy that she has a loving family now...she deserves every bit of happiness, zainura...among all my genuine friends, i think u r d most genuine n i love u just d way u r!
i know from now, my life won't be d same as i think d reality of being OLDER haunts me like all the time. but, i guess i'm lucky that i m given d chance to walk thru life with the person n the family n friends who love n accepts me just d way i m!...
sad is the rain Friday, October 17, 2008 at 6:29pm | Edit Note | Delete
I wanna be where the rain is
Where no one knows there are tears in my eyes
I wanna be where the dark grey clouds are,
Where the colors resemble the colors in my heart
I wanna feel the coolness of the breeze
To remind me even sadness has its calmness
All I wanna hear is the raindrops outside the window pane
To help me soothe my pain
The sadder I get the heavier the rain
As the rain ceased, so will be the pain
When wet becomes dry, so I hope for the aches
By the time the sun comes out
I pray the heaviness in my chest will no longer be there.
Dunia ini untuk kita Saturday, October 4, 2008 at 1:40am | Edit Note | Delete
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Dunia ini untuk kita
mencari erti bahagia
Dunia ini untuk kita
Mengharungi sengsara apabila badai melanda
Dunia ini untuk kita menikmati dingin fajar suram senja
Dunia ini untuk kita mencari tapak di syurga
Dunia ini untuk kita berkasih sayang hingga sampai ke penghujungnya
Penghujung alam
Penghujung nafas terakhir yg dihembus
Penghujung jodoh jika ditakdirkan
Dunia ini untuk kita
Untuk aku memberi segalanya yang kumampu untuk kecapi bahagia denganmu
Dunia ini untuk kita
Untuk kau dan aku
puisi untuk bintangku Monday, September 22, 2008 at 6:37am | Edit Note | Delete
Ingin kucapai bintang di langit
dan ingin kupeluk bintang itu
Biarpun sukar dan tidak mungkin
tidak akan pudar harapanku
Bagiku kaulah bintang itu
Bercahaya ria berkelip-kelip
menerangi malamku
menemani sepi ini
Wahai bintang di kelam malam
Izinkan aku memujamu
Biarku tahu kau takkan jadi milikku
i like u, do u like me? Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 6:08am | Edit Note | Delete
i stumbled on FRIENDS on starworld, d series where ross came to know rachel was over him without him knowing it...i think it's so sweet, but seriously, it was a mess since ross had involved himself with julie an intelligent n sexy asian girl.
what i want to point out here is d moment where ross came to d cafe where rachel worked n said she had no right to have feelings for him n she said he was to blame for not telling her himself that he liked her...well, after arguing they made out...o so so romantic...and of course after that, they were confused, again...
well, aren't we, somehow like rachel n ross some time some place somehow? we liked someone n we never say anything to d person that we had feelings with....n everybody knew except that particular person...what's that? is rejection so hard to deal with that we decided maybe it's better to keep quiet about it. n our life would be more miserable when that particular somebody dates someone else or doesn't notice us the way we wanted it to be...i don't have to do some research to answer this coz, i look into myself to answer this question.
somehow, when we like that somebody, and he is in our circle of friends, we are afraid of the consequences after we said our feelings, furthermore, in our malay culture, lame s it maybe, girls r not preferred to make the first move. and, i could not live to know that he does not feel the same...n s girls we have our pride, n knowing some guys can be cruel they can call us cheap or easy...or the rejects...
but after all of these....i think on my part...i m just afraid of what happens if he likes me too? n knowing me, before he says hey, let's.....i'd be fleeing...hehe...i also believe that, timing is everything....u meet someone u like but d time is not right, d time is right that someone is completely wrong for you...nora my ex roommate said, i was like a wild horse which is very difficult to tame, n i think she was right...for this, i think when i like somebody, it's not just d issue, it's how i like myself when i like that somebody and that somebody likes me too.
hence, after a lot of crushes n tears of o, he went out with someone else bla bla bla, i settled with someone who makes me very comfortable to be me, in my skin, in my size of coursie...n he is so natural when being with me...never asks me more than just being me...that...ladies n gents...d right person, n i met him at d right time...d rest history...
My day today Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 3:16am | Edit Note | Delete
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I dunno how 2 describe my day today. Very early in d morning,my neighbour calld informg me her youngest bro in law passd away in d is devastating news,even tho m x really buddy with this guy we were courteous in our unplannd meetgs. He was 20 sth n was plang 2 get married n of d deepest sympathy 2 d family.second news lela went thru d&c this morning n i know she must feel pretty upset s she really wanted 2 b a heart cried 4 her.this is hard coz this is d 2nd time she lost her pregnancies at a very early day was saved by mtg my cici,d niece whos very special 2 time flies she is almost 4.everytg that happens make me think,we grow evry single day. I remember dr fadzilah kamsah said there 2 types of ppl.1 type who r influencd by d environmt,d 2nd type r ppl who influencd d environmt.d 2nd type is an excellent kinda ppl.i think,at present,m x that type A-D excellent now coz i allow myself 2 b overwhelmd by d not so positive emotions
all i do Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 6:00am | Edit Note | Delete
all i do this ramadan is basuh pinggan...sebelum masak basuh pinggan, lepas masak basuh pinggan, lepas makan basuh pinggan, dah basuh pinggan, kena pulak basuh periuk belanga....
sebelum sahur basuh pinggan, dah sahur ...yep u r right...kena gak basuh pinggan...n u know wat....i think i'll take an mc from basuh pinggan...lantak p la kau pinggan....duduklah dalam sinki tu...nak berbuka nanti akan ku cuci nanti...
pelik kan? duduk dua orang macam 4 5 orang dalam rumah....erkkkkk...
tulah kata my mak2 sedara yang ala datin tapi bukan tuh...."Awokk tu...belajor tinggi2 pun, ke dapor jugok peginye..."
in my heart, i answered, "Abis tu apa ke peliknye...belajor tinggi2 takkan tak nok makan....kotnye belajor tinggi tak perlu ke jarmbarn? heh?"
mengenangkan aku hanyalah budak ketika itu...aku jelingkan aje...aduh! kepala ku sakit kerana pinggang2 yang berduyung2.
ketika aku berpuasa Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 5:06pm | Edit Note | Delete
bulan ramadan bulan yang mulia
kerana kita berlapar dan dahaga
dari imsak ke azan maghrib
mencari menambah iman di dada
ketika aku berpuasa
aku bersahur dengan si dia
makanlah apa saja yang tercapai di dalam peti
yang penting air minum hampir sebaldi
ketika kami berpuasa
azhar mesti mencari kuih muih
kerana kuih muih itulah buka puasa katanyalah
cukuplah air minuman bergelas mungkin
makanan?asal yang sedap ditelan, oklah tu.
semasa berpuasa
rasanya lebih banyak berpeluh
kerana mengejar banyak benda
seperti terawih, sahur dan berbuka...
ingat senang ke bulan puasa?
makin susah mengenangkan raya
kalau dulu happy boleh mintak duit raya
sekarang ni happy memberi duit raya
selepas itu kebengongan duit susut tak kira
mr hazidi kata, "2 zeros lost from my bank account"
itu dulu masa aku student
sekarang ku mengerti apa yg dikata
nak buat camno, it's life n it's d time for giving
ketika aku berpuasa
gastrik jadi teman setia
pening n weng dah tentu ada
tapi tetap ku puasakan juga
beginilah bulan puasa
walaupun penat hati gembira
kerana belajar mendidik jiwa
kepada yang tak puasa
untuk perempuan biasalah tu
untuk lelaki shame on u...
*ok, mr hazidi...this one i think i can rap it! hehehe
Ikhlas tapi jauh
Ketika pertama kali aku mengenali dirimu
Di hati ini mengatakan kau seorang yang istimewa
Di dalam ria, kau ketawa
Di dalam duka kau pamerkan senyuman
Ketika hidupmu di persimpangan
Kau teguh berdiri mengasuh hati
Dalam hidup ada sengsara
Walau begitu sengsara menjadi abu
Apabila matamu bercahaya mengucapkan harapan
Tiada duanya dirimu di dunia ini
Mungkin ada yang mengadili
Mungkin ada yang cuba mengubahmu
Namun kau bijak hanya dengan menjadi dirimu sendiri
Usahlah berduka teman
Kerana kedukaan membuang masa
Teruskan perjuanganmu
dan ketika lelah bersarang di dadamu
Pandanglah ke dalam hatimu
Lihatlah sedalamnya
Carilah kekuatan kerana kutahu kau tentu akan menemuinya
Kebahagiaan kesempurnaan kegembiraan
Tidak perlu dirisaukan akan kehadiran mereka
Segalanya akan menjadi milikmu
Cuma bersabarlah
kerana semua yang terbaik di dalam hidup ini mengambil masa
mengingatkanmu mengingatkanku
kita perlu bersyukur kerana kita mempunyai kita
layarilah dugaan ini dengan bunga di hati
matahari di mata
sejajar harapan di hening fajar setiap hari
how much do u love me, honey? Sunday, August 24, 2008 at 12:00am | Edit Note | Delete
ok, i gave this question to azhar while watching tv last nite...i think...and this is his answer...:
my love for u is like my 'taik idung' ...will always be matter how much i korek...some are hard, some are soft, some are wet, some are dry....
speechless? yep....
it's been a very trying dayShare. Friday, August 1, 2008 at 3:40am | Edit Note | Delete
d pizza hut hustler...
okie, today was a weird day for me...yep, i had cleared all d pending things that i had to do...the weirdest n interesting at the same time, oklah a little bit scary day after a long long time, i saw a young guy tried to hustle his ways in getting free food from the patrons of pizza hut central square...
i was there having my lunch alone...n then, came a chinese uncle sat at the table in front of me....i was busy facebooking on my phone, n i had my drinks on the table. i noticed this guy wearing black tshirt n jeans n a pair of sunglasses was some sort of trying to choose which table he wanted to sit....MINE or that chinese uncle....i looked at him, bewildered of course, n he decided to sit at that uncle's table....hehehehe...hmm,
he tried to strike up a conversationlah...that uncle was so kesian, he just didn't know wat to on earth would he ask this person who was sitting n looking at the menu as well at his table to be gone? so he just stood up n left
i tried not to think if ever he'd sit in front of me...the pizza hut hustler stood up n now he went to the next table...s u can c in d pic...a group of ladies with a young boy...i think they are a there he was trying so hard to find an exact word that could make him sit at the same table...
if u were in this situation what would u do? so the manager asked him to leave...he was reluctant la at first saying he did nothing wrong...he was just mingling...but still they asked him to leave...
so, i asked the waitress who this guy was...adik tu cakap..."o, dia ni mental kak, dah seminggu, hari2 kat depan ni."
i asked her how did she know, he's MENTAL...
"hari tu, dia order banyak makanan untuk bawa balik, lepas dah key in semua, kami minta dia bayar...dia jawab, ishk sapa nak bayaq ni? saya tadak duit...ambiklah gelang ni...dia tunjuk gelang serupa emas kat tangan dia..."
well, d manager was very polite, she just asked him to sit n gave him a glass of water but not the makanan....
n since then, pantang dia tengok orang habis bayar..dia akan straight away goes to the table n finish off the food yang tak abis....penat tau bebudak pizza hut ni menjaga tables tak bagi peluang dia nak duduk n makan...
at 1st glance..mmg nampak dia lapar..tapi kan...punyalah banyak kedai makan kat situ...mengapa pizza hut saja favourite place i also conclude there must be something seriously wrong with him mentally....this guy is young, strong n able la...nak kerja mesti boleh punya...but itulah...kita tak tau apa giler dia...hehehe...
luckily he was not that giler to sit with me...kalau tak i also do not know wat to do...pernah masa bertunang...i waited for azhar at kompleks pkns at nelson's yang tepi tangga tu...i was sitting at one of three small tables kat situ..and datang this guy berdiri at next table sebelah i...n dia tanya ada orang tak? i said one duduk kat situ...n u know where he duduk? betul2 in front of me...i was hmm, speechless...pelik pun ada...dia was trying to introduce himself n i just stood up..n said i was sorry i had to go...i moved on n he followed me ...aiyoh, i called azhar, he just laughed....azhar said just lose him...lose him i did...i went into cold storage (then) n tried to lose him inside...u know wat he did? he was outside d store ....trying to look where i had what did i do? i waited until he's gone...n ran to the bsn...coz when i went out nearby guardian, he was waiting at the benches...d scariest moment of my life...n azhar ...couldn't stop laughing...
erghhh...manusia penuh ragam...but this kind of ragam..nothing in school ever taught u how to handle such behaviour
picking up where i left a long long time ago Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 4:19am | Edit Note | Delete
okay, today, just for the sake of being there n having done that, i went to the CIKGU interviu in thing about me, i will always ALWAYS sesat when i wanna go for an interview...WHAT'S THAT?
so there i was in the midst of young n vibrant n fresh said to myself...i used to be such...where did it all go?where? it felt that i was d only one yg kerepot kat a way i was for today....
those under kpm with cgpa 2.75 n above will just have to sit for the M-test...what's an M-test u might ask? it's actually a 135 personality questions...kacang!hmm, there i was the oldest n also a cgpa 2.75 i had to be in an took ages just to wait for my turn....d interview is actually quite outrageous la....
soalan wajib...apa RUKUN NEGARA?
soalan kedua...berapa RUKUN ISLAM?
soalan yang paling outrageous in this interview is....tolong baca niat mandi hadas in bahasa arab?
HUWATTTT? anyways those were my questions...some get sila NYANYIKAN NEGARAKU....LAGU NEGERI KEDAH....LAGU KANAK2
wild huh? anyways, bala dah by december...i'd know my posting...if i get one...will it be my end of carefree life? i dunno...
if i get sekolah depan umah or belakang umah, i will consider it...hehe....if not....i guess.....i don't know what to guess...
my flowery life Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 5:04am | Edit Note | Delete
Ok, today, i've had two not so good news, azhar's assistant is hospitalized coz of her bad coughs which leads to asthma...and another bad news is, one of our tesl juniors passed on yesterday...i can't say i knew her, but i think she was a very sweet person.
Anyways, i went to buy some get well soon flowers for azhar's assistant named wani...i paid 15 ringgit for a very hideous looking bouquet n d worst part, i didn't say anything about it to the florist...if i wanna call her a, i had to go home n reaarange it myself...what i did, i rampaged my neighbour's garden hehehe, she loves me, don't worry!she wont mind! i took a couple of leaves which i think can make the bouquet a bit better...
i dunno, i'm nuts about flowers...i love flowers...really really love flowers...i guess i started to have this passion when i was still young...when i was young, my family lived in a government quarters which was really near to KOMPLEKS TERUNTUM, a very hyped then shopping complex...i used to lepak there like it was my second home, i know every at this complex, there had a flower shop n this shop usually trashed all the saki baki flowers at the dump at the back of the complex...n me...i took all those fresh flowers from the dumps to my home...and it was not bad. on ordinary day, i got kekwas n carnations, on good days, i always had roses!:)
so, i know for malays, buying flowers are a waste of money, but for me, buying flowers and giving them to someone is a special thing to do...
even tho i love flowers, no one ever gave me flowers, not even one stalk of daisy...not until i met azhar....on our first real date, he bought me a stalk of red rose.....awwww he's so sweet...n that's actually his lunch money n he bought flowers for me....every time we walked by petaling street, he would always stop n buy me flowers...on pokai day, usually one stalk, on not so pokai days, he usually give me half of dozen roses....on special occasions usually a hundred...he knew how i loved flowers especially roses n he would make it a habit ...even now, my birthday our anniversaries, he never forgets to buy me flowers....i love flowers that i don't mind not having any presents....the flowers will do!
when my mom was warded, i bought her flowers...some say membazir, i say's to show that flowers are beautiful and special and so is my mom...therefore, if i can, whenever ppl get warded i'd buy them flowers...coz i know, d feeling of accepting such gifts creates warm fuzzy feelings...n that...u can't have when u give fruits...
one thing special about my husband, he appreciates that i appreciate flowers what it means to flowers are magical...some women say they don't expect to have flowers coz it just don't matter to them...but u know wat, i bet once in her life...even just once...receiving flowers can touch their hearts...
movie marathon on my anniversary movie bash...! Monday, July 7, 2008 at 6:53pm | Edit Note | Delete
hokeh...after a careful consideration on what to do on our 10th anniversary, we decided to watch we decided to watch these movies...and these are my honest and humble reviews
GET SMART...- i give it a B+
it is hilarious but almost forgettable but it's kinda a good try...nope i do not want my money back.the funniest part is the ending....will never forget it.
HULK:....i think it's d cutest green eyed monster...kesian he got to run here n there just to be safe from the military...n when he's not hulk, awww he's so gentle like the summer breeze, i'd give him a hug anytime...what's funny in the movie, we can see these cameos like the old bruce banner, what's d name, lou ferrigno the former hulk...hehehe....n robert downey jr s the stark don't want a refund...but i only see this movie twice if it's free....or not. i give it a B+ also.
HANCOCK...hmm, kinda funny, sometimes miserable, n has good ending..i rate it as B
oke d next day, we watched:
Doomsday: wow, very violent, u can't believe how choppy the dialogues r hehehe...scary but i love the BENTLEY in the movie. C
MOST WANTED: angelina jolie n others in d movie....i like the twist in the movie. u can make a curve bullet, hey, u can be an ASSassin. i give it a B-, watch if u love angelina jolie.
d most anticipated movie is from m.night shyamalan....the HAPPENINGS...i have only two words....WHAT'S HAPPENING? nothing happens in the movie. ppl sit in the movie only to be zombied afterwords...the comment from me afterwards is, CAN U PLEASE TELL ME WHAT DID WE WATCH JUST NOW... i think, m. night shyamalan has completed his circle...from seeing dead people, to aliens n crop circle, people living in a VILLAGE in a forest reserve and there's A LADY IN THE!u know wat, utv pictures which one of the producers is malaysian coz it's from the SCREWvala family who produced MASTURA, n idaman on astro ria....oklah....
itulah our celebration hehehe...
my life sucked 3 days ago.i poured my feelings on paper hoping it would b bloggd but actually it has been bogged by my laziness to transfer d words to a blog so like a wise man said whom i dont even know myself let bygones b bygones.
today my weight =86.3
hanas screaming=level 3 out of 5
money lost to jusco=hmm tried not to ask hubby
household chores i did=almost nothing
Muscle spasms aka backpain=much bttr only that it stil painful.i hate backpain coz this time around it lingers longer.i think i need 2 c a chiropractor.
Weekend marking which i m supposedly do=harems i purposely 4get.
today my weight =86.3
hanas screaming=level 3 out of 5
money lost to jusco=hmm tried not to ask hubby
household chores i did=almost nothing
Muscle spasms aka backpain=much bttr only that it stil painful.i hate backpain coz this time around it lingers longer.i think i need 2 c a chiropractor.
Weekend marking which i m supposedly do=harems i purposely 4get.
Monday, May 24, 2010
hana sleeps
inilah bahana blogging from a mobile,this my 3rd entry.hana slept from 6pm to 11.30pm swaddled n on bed.she slept so soundly her daddy thought she might b unwell. But she happnd 2 b happy n well n playful n after 2oz of formula,1 pooped she is in d mr popo cradle n asleep with her daddy tucking her to sleep.i took a steroid pill 4 my backpain n it doesnt feel that hurtful like before m a bit scared s i m nsaids n i can b allergic to it but so far so good
it's been 2 days since i've boycotted fb just because there are so many indecent, inappropriate and insensitive pages insulting Islam. So this boycott i dedicate to the decision by the Pakistani government to ban fb, youtube because of their lack of respect to the muslims' Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). y can't they just leave us alone? y make matters worse? so fb is my life, i love fb, fb is my guilty pleasure everyday of communicating with my old old this is d lamest n the thing that i think i m capable of week of quiet logging on....
with that, it's been two days since i've ever logged on to the internet..hey i know myself, i am afraid that i might somehow click on d fb button on my favourites icon on my laptop i didn't but i somehow can check since d comments will go to my email inbox huhuhuhu...i know its not the same as i love putting up pictures especially hana's pics hehehe...she's so cute, i think i can bite her...but of coz i won't who do u think i m?
i've always been an internet i love reading about articles, recipes, internet is like d biggest library n i can go in as i please...without leaving the room. that's why i'm into internet so much...but nowadays, ppl tend to get crazy over the internet, the identity thefts, money scam, cyber criminals...playing sensitive issues over n over again...hey guys, r u like an anti peace living or something, y can't we get along somehow? accept our differences, stop pointing fingers at others when things go wrong first...peace no war please...if u feel shooting somebody, please shoot urself. it's that too much to ask...?
oklah since i know how to log on to blogspot, n it is also i can do on mobile i guess i can blog more huh?
er what's my password again?
shucks, i always forgot my password!
it's been 2 days since i've boycotted fb just because there are so many indecent, inappropriate and insensitive pages insulting Islam. So this boycott i dedicate to the decision by the Pakistani government to ban fb, youtube because of their lack of respect to the muslims' Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). y can't they just leave us alone? y make matters worse? so fb is my life, i love fb, fb is my guilty pleasure everyday of communicating with my old old this is d lamest n the thing that i think i m capable of week of quiet logging on....
with that, it's been two days since i've ever logged on to the internet..hey i know myself, i am afraid that i might somehow click on d fb button on my favourites icon on my laptop i didn't but i somehow can check since d comments will go to my email inbox huhuhuhu...i know its not the same as i love putting up pictures especially hana's pics hehehe...she's so cute, i think i can bite her...but of coz i won't who do u think i m?
i've always been an internet i love reading about articles, recipes, internet is like d biggest library n i can go in as i please...without leaving the room. that's why i'm into internet so much...but nowadays, ppl tend to get crazy over the internet, the identity thefts, money scam, cyber criminals...playing sensitive issues over n over again...hey guys, r u like an anti peace living or something, y can't we get along somehow? accept our differences, stop pointing fingers at others when things go wrong first...peace no war please...if u feel shooting somebody, please shoot urself. it's that too much to ask...?
oklah since i know how to log on to blogspot, n it is also i can do on mobile i guess i can blog more huh?
er what's my password again?
shucks, i always forgot my password!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
being a mom d intro
i m a mom an adoptive mom.i m 37 years old d last time i checked.i sometimes recheck d birth year hoping i can b a lot younger,like thats gonna happen.
we v been married 4 almost 12 years thx 2 my imbalance hormones n pcos n obesity i cant get is used to b so ez not to think of not having a child.but since d baby dumping issue surfaces a lot these days we cant help but to ask ourselves what can we do to stop d massacre of malaysian babies.
So we adoptd a bb of unwed mother.
To b continued
i m a mom an adoptive mom.i m 37 years old d last time i checked.i sometimes recheck d birth year hoping i can b a lot younger,like thats gonna happen.
we v been married 4 almost 12 years thx 2 my imbalance hormones n pcos n obesity i cant get is used to b so ez not to think of not having a child.but since d baby dumping issue surfaces a lot these days we cant help but to ask ourselves what can we do to stop d massacre of malaysian babies.
So we adoptd a bb of unwed mother.
To b continued
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